Are you battling with debt? You’re far from alone! Elevated interest rates can ensnare you in a relentless cycle of making only minimum payments. Discover effective strategies to tackle the four major sources of debt and regain financial freedom with a debt-free life.
4 Keys to a debt-free life
Thank you for your application!
Consolidated Credit has helped more than 500,000 Canadians in 15 years find relief from debt. Now we’re here to help you.
A Trained Credit Counsellor will be calling you at the number you provided. They’ll complete your free debt and budget analysis, then discuss the best options for getting out of debt with you. If you qualify to enroll in a debt management program, your counsellor can also help you enroll immediately.
For immediate assistance, please call:
Hours of Operation:
Monday – Thursday 8:30AM to 8PM (EST)
Friday 8:30AM to 6PM (EST)
Saturday 9AM to 2PM (EST)
505 Consumers Road, Suite 400
Toronto, Ontario M2J 4V8
Ontario Registration #: 4705786