Debt Consolidation in Action: Yukon
See how we’ve helped other Yukoners overcome their issues with debt.
This page will show a real-life case study of how Consolidated Credit helped a Yukoner overcome their challenges with debt. If you need help, call us at (844)-402-3073 or complete our easy debt analysis online.
See how we’ve helped other Yukoners overcome their issues with debt. This page will show a real-life case study of how Consolidated Credit helped a Yukoner overcome their challenges with debt. If you need help, call us at (844)-402-3073 or complete our easy debt analysis online.
Yukon at a glance
The unemployment rate of the Yukon is at 5.5 per cent which is the lowest of all of the territories. Despite the extreme cold temperatures in the Yukon, construction permits went up 67.9 per cent from January to June of this year in comparison to the same time frame from last year. This translates to a value of $26.9 million. With the low unemployment rate and strong construction market, this may be an opportunity for some Canadians to consider moving to the Yukon for employment.
Speak to a trained counsellor today to determine your best choice.