Debt-filled years led to stress and worry
Cole wasn’t on the hunt for a credit card at the age of 18 but he got one anyway, and then another, and eventually he found himself deep in debt. A divorce only magnified the problem, and soon Cole was consumed by fear and worry over a debt that was swallowing him. Learn how Cole achieved financial freedom through fierce determination and a Debt Management Plan from Consolidated Credit.
Racking up credit card debt was all too easy…
I was given credit cards at the age of 18 that I never asked for but had no problem using. It continued as I became a Registered Practical Nurse (RPN). I applied and got a credit card after credit card. Used them thinking “I’ll just pay it back later”. I got married and continued to build up my debt. I was never taught by my parents how to save properly.
The difficulty of divorce…
Later, I got divorced and I had a combined debt of $24,000, not including a car I bought that I couldn’t afford. I spent the next six months living paycheque-to-paycheque.
Worries upon worries…
I was constantly worrying about future problems like a flat tire on my car – how would I afford it? I tried to fix the problem on my own, but I was kidding myself. Numerous banks denied me. That’s never good. I began searching on the internet for a solution. The last thing I wanted was to go bankrupt.
Then he found Consolidated Credit…
The client service was great. Anytime I had a question or needed an extension on a monthly payment, you guys helped me – no questions asked. Consolidated Credit was great, from the first time I phoned to find out about the program until the very last month. No complaints!
He buckled down and got out of debt…
It was a long four years. I worked two jobs and I lived like a pauper, but I got through it. Now I have more family time. More time for friends. More time to myself, and no more chronic worrying about money; and if I have a flat tire, I’ll have enough for a new one. I can do little things like pick up my nephew from school for my brother without worrying that I need to be at work at 3 pm. It’s nice not being stressed all the time.
Financially fit for life…
I will NEVER get into the same situation again. I never want to work two jobs again. The counsellors helped me learn that a “want” is different from a “need”. You don’t need the latest of the latest to enjoy life!