Patti triumphs after the loss of a loved one
Patti P. did not have any debt troubles to worry about. She was living within her means and did not have the burden of debt weighing her down. However, her life took a turn for the worse when she received the devastating news her father passed away. The passing of her father was the beginning of her shouldering a heavy load of debt for two years.

The death of her father triggered a landslide of debt for her household. Patti had to travel out of town to the far ends of British Columbia multiple times. As a consequence, she racked up a large amount of travel expenses while preparing her father’s home for resale. The extra financial responsibility became too much for Patti. She was struggling to make ends meet at home. She had a mortgage she was handling all by herself and being a single parent – she had to raise and provide for her child too. As a consequence, during this difficult and stressful time, Patti was forced to rely on two high-interest rate credit cards to get by. She was struggling to keep up with her high-interest rate credit card payments.
“I accumulated debt from having to drive across the province to deal with my father’s affairs and home… By the time April of 2015 came I was in serious financial disrepair.”
Patti had a single income coming in and she was trying to keep up with her high-interest rate credit card payments on two credit cards. With all of her financial responsibilities, she racked up $11,000 of debt.
“I felt very overwhelmed through it all. I couldn’t see how I could get out from under this situation I had been thrust into. With no help from other family members, I was on my own with it all.”
Patti felt like she was in a race however there was no finish line in sight. And then one day she was tired of running and decided to contact Consolidated Credit for help.
“I made payments to pay my debt off, but if it hadn’t been for Consolidated Credit Canada, I would have lost everything. One year later I’m happy to report I paid [off] the two credit cards I had consolidated. Thank you Consolidated Credit for believing in me and helping me to get back on my feet.”